Saturday, 24 March 2018

Theme 1 : b) Nutrition

Food Classification 

Factor that Influence a Person's needs for a Balance Diet

ⅰ) Sex :
  Men requiring more energy than women at the same age and body size because men are more active

ⅱ) Age: 
   Babies, children and teenagers require more energy because they more active and they life    
   process are faster

ⅲ) Body sized : 
   Big sized individuals require more energy compared to small sized individual 

ⅳ) Physical Activity :
 Individual with heavy work use more energy compared to another who does light work  

ⅴ) Weather : 
 Individuals living in place with cold weather require more energy compare in 
  place with warm weather  

Human Digestive System 
- Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food to simple molecules for absorption the blood circulatory system
- Digestion take place in two stage :
         ⅰ) physical digestion ➯big pieces of food are broken down into smaller pieces
                                                by teeth
        ⅱ) chemical digestion➯enzymes break up complex food molecules into smaller 
- Enzymes are protein that speed up the process of digestion. Enzymes break up complex food molecules to smaller and simple molecules

Characteristic of enzymes
          a) enzymes are small quantities only
          b) enzymes are not destroyed at the end of digestion
          c) specific enzymes act only in specific acidic or alkaline conditions
          d) specific enzymes act only on specific foods
          e) enzymes function best at normal body temperature (37℃)
          f) enzymes are destroyed at high temperature


Biodiversity : Classification of Plants

Classification of Plants

Flowering & Non-Flowering Plants

Flowering Plants
                           -produce flower for reproduction
                       flowerfruits and seedsnew plants                         
                           - based on the seeds they produce, flowering plants can be further divided                         into two groups :
                                                Ⅰ. monocotyledons
                                               Ⅱ. dicotyledons 

✱ Examples of monocotyledons plants :

 Banana Trees

                                                  Corn Tree

Paddy Tree

✱ Examples of dicotyledons plants :
Hibiscus Tree
                                                               Rambutan Tree

Non-Flowering Plants 
     Further divided to conifers, ferns, mosses, and algae 

ⅰ) Conifers : - reproduce by seeds produced in cones

                         - have needle ( like leaves )
                         - examples : pine 

ⅱ) Ferns : - reproduced by spores on the underside of leaves
                     - example : Bird's nest fern

ⅲ) Mosses : - reproduced by spores produced in capsules
                         - example : Moss

ⅳ) Algae : -very simple plants
                     - no proper roots, stems, leaves
                     - example : Seaweed

Biodiversity : Clasification Of Animals

Classification of Animals
  Invertebrates :     a) more than 90% of animals are invertebrates
                                    b) since invertebrates have no backbone, they are usually small in size
                                        examples :
1. Centipede
  2. Sea Anemones Hydras

 3. Brown Rhinoceros Beetle

 5. Burgundy Snail

6. Starfish

Classification of Invertebrates 

1. Sponges :       - simple invertebrates
                           - live in water
                           - they filter food from the water that surrounds them

2. Cnidarians :    - live in water
                           - animals in this group have a central opening surrounded by   
                           - examples: jellyfish, sea anemones hydras

3. Worms :          - animals with soft, tube-shaped bodies and a distinct head
                           - some worm live inside other animals
                           - examples : earthworm and tapeworm 

4. Mollusks :        - have a muscular foot that allows them to move and hunt for food
                            - some live on land and other live in water
                            - examples : clams, snail and octopuses

5. Echinoderms : - water animals that have a central opening for taking in food
                            - example : starfish

6. Arthropods :    - do have a segmented body
                           - have a bilaterally symmetrical body with a very strong exoskeleton 
                           - can be found in water and in the land
                           - have legs and some have wings 

Short Video About The Classification of Invertebrates

Vertebrates :    a) small group compared to invertebrates
                              b) since vertebrates have backbone to support their weight, many 
                                 vertebrates are large in size
                             examples :
 1. Lion Fish
 2. Squirrel
 3. Owl
 4. Tiger
 5. Winter Fox

 6. Chameleon

Classification of Vertebrates

 1. Amphibians :- body covered with moist skin
                          - cold-blooded
                          - carry out external fertilization
                          - breathe with lung on land and through moist skin when in water
2. Fish :            - body covered with slimy scales for protection
                         - have fins and tail to swim
                         - breathe through gills
                         - lays eggs ( external fertilization )

3. Reptiles :      - body covered with hard and dry scales for protection
                         - breathe with lungs
                         - cold-blooded
                         - carry out internal fertilization

4. Bird :            - body covered with feathers
                        - have wings and beak
                        - breathe with lungs
                        - warm-blooded

5. Mammals :  - body covered with hair or fur
                       - breathe with lungs
                       - give birth to live young
                       - warm-blooded 

Short Video About The Classification of Vertebrates